
Koala Girl

January 4, 2021

I wonder whatever happened to Koala Girl.

A year ago, right around now we had just started to hear about the wildfires in Australia.

A year ago, right around now we started hearing about a new virus in China.

A year ago, right around now we started watching the Witcher.

Just think about that for a minute.

Mind fuck and a half.

I was talking to my son about the passage of time and his touchstone to the past was he remembers things being somewhat normal the first time he ever paid for nudes. He bought the koala girl’s pics. I didn‘t and I wish I had.

10K in the first 24 hours. Bravo.

I have been sitting on this article and not working on it, and today this came up in my memories, so it is time.

She made a million dollars for the koalas and landed in a world of hurt and ostracism. Her boyfriend left her, parents angry, I think she lost her job and apartment too.

I loved the sentiment in this tweet. “We have no choice but love and protect her at all costs”

I wish we felt this way about all women.

I wish we felt this way about all sex workers.

I am getting ready to retire but those women will always be my family and I will defend them to the death.

We did not protect her. The backlash was immediate and intense.

I am realizing a lot of the negative things I feel and have felt about myself are as a result of the stigma around sex and sex workers.

I wouldn’t feel this way about myself if someone/everyone hadn’t told me to. Like fundamentally who is it reeeally hurting that I, Sarah, enjoy sex immensely and feel comfortable being naked in a room full of strangers.

No one.

This constant fight within me wherein I feel disposable. I mean that concept gets reinforced with every relationship gone awry.

It is hard not to internalize not being ‘worth it’, whatever it happens to be.

I understand monogamy and Christian heteronormative ideas, I just don’t see them as ideal.

For me.

I do not judge others. If being married and chaste and faithful floats your boat, float on.

Why does this world have such a huge issue with body autonomy?

Not your body, not your business.

You wanna keep your puss puss just for you, okay, no one is telling you otherwise, so why do you think its is okay to tell others what to do with their bits?

So much anger and venom aimed at women with Onlyfans accounts.


How is this affecting anyone in any way? How does a paramedic/nurse/lawyer/factory worker any fucking body being sexy and making some extra cash on the side affect her ability to do their jobs?

It fucking doesn’t.

Unless you are a preacher who comes down heavily on the side of celibacy, monogamy, chastity, purity and you go flaunting your va jay jay upon the interwebz, even then, it still doesn’t make you a bad person, it just makes you a hypocrite.

Okay so for creepy dudes it is harder to get free nudes.

It was always a commodity as there was a definite demand for it. You can’t hang out at Costco eating free samples for weeks on end, at some pint you have to buy something and go home.

And I must say I do love a good screenshot of a lurker trying to get something and the only response being a link to a girl’s onlyfans account.

Him: Sup

Her: <Link>

Him: Sup, send pics

Her: <Link>

Him: So you too good to talk to me? You think I want to look at your used pussy online.

Well ya, you do. You just don’t want to pay for it. It is an equalizer. And a damn fine way to shut down incels and creeps.

When other women rail against it all I see is internalized misogyny and misplaced jealousy born of the competition we never entered into but more was programmed into us since birth. Be prettier than her, whoever her is, find a man, trap a man, keep a man and be kept. And by all means fight all other women because if we ever got together and demanded better treatment, the world as we know it would collapse. The amount of money made just from tricking us into thinking we need longer lashes or to keep our boobs unnaturally up near out chins is insane.

Thankfully, the sex ndustry is becoming a little less taboo here and now.

I have been a stripper on and off for 20 some odd years now and I see the stigmas lessening.

But I have changed too.

The girl I was 22 years ago was turned away from renting an apartment because the owner didn’t want ‘my kind’ in her building and AFTER keeping my deposit. I put my head down in shame and walked away. I had no fight in me. No one would care even if I did try to stick up for myself, right?

I don’t feel that way about myself anymore. Thankfully, but it was a long road out of shame, filled with the pitfalls of the judgments of others.

Every new group of people I met, every straight job I got, I had to work harder, be better, be smarter just to prove all strippers weren’t awful people. And I did. One conversation at a time.

It isn’t terribly fair.

There is no one profession where everyone who does that job is some kind of saint.

There are bad doctors, lawyers, even evil priests and nuns and by default they are supposed to be holy and pure. But they ain’t. No one is. And having your kitty up on the internet does not automatically launch you into the category of deviant or evil. It just means you think you have a nice vagina, a vagina worth looking at, a vagina worth being paid for.

Honestly, I had thought about it long and hard. Having an Onlyfans I mean. Especially post pandemic. Stuck in the hose 24/7. I was making videos anyways, just not for public consumption. But I am bad at it. I don’t feel that great about myself. The bulk of the money I made stripping wasn’t because I was this sexy desirable thing, but because I was approachable, human, understanding and I listen. That just doesn’t translate to boomerangs and videos and snapchat filters.

My girl Kittenface approached me with the idea of a patreon account, and I think that suits me. I am still going to keep it sexy, sex sells, we all know this. And honestly, I don’t see the difference. I am still selling myself, my time, my thoughts. Same same.

If you think a stripper sells her body but a coal miner doesn’t, you have a morality problem.

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  • Robert Wertzler January 4, 2021 at 12:44 pm

    There it is, in that last line, the truth so very many are unwilling to, who dare not, face. And in that denial, their souls are corrupted and their politics poisoned (as true of “liberals” as of “conservatives”).

    • sexloveandgrace January 5, 2021 at 9:52 am

      hey, i missed you and that totally is the truth

  • Robert Wertzler January 5, 2021 at 10:53 am

    I’ll have to comment more often so you’ll know I’ve been here.

    • sexloveandgrace January 5, 2021 at 12:51 pm

      yes please, even if you just say hey

  • Robert Wertzler January 5, 2021 at 1:44 pm


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