Daily Archives

February 25, 2020


smh, fucking white people

February 25, 2020

We are NOT part of the victimized groups because WHITE PEOPLE ARE THE ONES DOING THE FUCKING VICTIMIZING.

Calling the cops because a family with a different skin color had the ‘audacity’ to have a barbecue.

It gets so much worse.

Sit down and check your privilege.

I am super white for the record. My background is English, Scottish, Irish and Polish.

Only way I could be whiter is if you threw some Nordic in there, little Swedish maybe. But alas. My ancestors were assholes. The English weren’t happy on their tiny grey island and went about wiping out everything and everyone and taking whatever the fuck they wanted. And a few hundred years after they came over to North America, wiped out the indigenous population, stole other people from other countries and brought them here as slaves so they didn’t have to do any physical labour themselves, that mentality is still prevalent. What the actual fuck.

We have science and the internet.

White supremacy or white supremacism is the racist belief that white people are superior to people of other races and therefore should be dominant over them. White supremacy has roots in the now-discredited doctrine of scientific racism and often relies on pseudoscientific arguments. Like most similar movements such as neo-Nazism, white supremacists typically oppose members of other races as well as Jews.

The term is also used to describe a political ideology that perpetuates and maintains the socialpoliticalhistorical, or institutional domination by white people (as evidenced by historical and contemporary sociopolitical structures such as the Atlantic slave tradeJim Crow laws in the United States, the set of “White Australia” policies from the 1890s until the mid-1970s, and apartheid in South Africa).[1][2] Different forms of white supremacism put forth different conceptions of who is considered white, and different groups of white supremacists identify various racial and cultural groups as their primary enemy.[3]

In academic usage, particularly in usage which draws on critical race theory or intersectionality, the term “white supremacy” can also refer to a political or socioeconomic system, in which white people enjoy a structural advantage (privilege) over other ethnic groups, on both a collective and individual level.

We fought wars over this shit and the good guys won.

How is this still a popular mindset?

I will quote Louis CK who is both white and also fucking sucks super bad.

“I love being white. Seriously, I really do. If you’re not white, your missing out. ‘Cuz this shit is thoroughly good. Let me clear this up by the way: I’m not saying white people are better. I’m saying that BEING white is clearly better. Who could even argue? If it was an option I would re-up every year! ‘Oh yeah, I’ll take white again. Absolutely.’ Here’s how great it is to be white: if I would have a time machine I could go to any time and it would be awesome when I get there. That is exclusively a white privilege! Black people can’t fuck with time machines.”
― Louis C.K.

This is not the quote I was looking for. And I hate quoting him at all after what he did to those women. But he is a prime example as to how our culture is geared towards mediocre white dudes. I bought into his shit for years, listening to what he was saying out loud in public, which was good, until he did the opposite in private.

The one I wanted is where we’d show up in a new country  and make everything into straight lines and right angles. Where we aren’t happy enough with how things are when landing in a foreign place, we murder, rape and imprison the indigenous population and start making everything more ‘white’.
I think he said white people must be aliens.

Kinda fucking feels like that doesn’t it?

Like the almost the entire world is built around the comfort and advancement of rich white men.

Because it fucking is.

Probably why we’re taught to hate the middle east so much. Can’t go over there with your limited melanin and strut around like the cock of the walk, now can you? Must hurt their fragile egos.

I’m on a 30-day Facebook ban. It’s a big one.

And the timing is terrible.

I had a back and forth going on a Bindi Irwin meme

This one

This is pure chaotic good. It is wholesome. “carry on with your activities, be safe, we love you.”

I told Wolf about it, he said, “What? That’s Australia’s princess.”

I caught flack for this. And I got my back up bad about it.


Are you fucking kidding me?

I said ‘you cannot be racist against white people the world is literally built around our comfort. Pointing out something factual, we do dumb shit like where we wear venomous spiders as brooches is not racist.’

The meme is funny because it’s true.

Smh white people ARE stupid.

Florida man. Case and point.

There is a video floating around of a little white girl riding on the back of a big ass alligator.

We are so unafraid of dying in ways other people live in fear of every day that we look for ways to do it ourselves.

We jump out of perfectly good planes. Climb mountains for literally no good reason, and most recently…a white dude got so offended by a meme he put me in Facebook jail for 30 days the same week as my book launch.

You want to know what white privilege looks like?

I have been pulled over 5 times in 10 years of driving. I have never even gotten a ticket. Not for speeding, not for expired plates, not for not having proper insurance documents. NONE OF IT.

It looks like a 300+ comment thread on a video wherein a black man ripped a confederate flag off the back of a tractor trailer and 250+ people complained about it. I think that video got reported as well, hence the swift ban on the second.

Neither one of those things were “Hate speech”.

Hate is a neo nazi ramming his vehicle into a peaceful protest and killing a woman.

The confederate flag is blatantly racist. Just like Roy Moore riding on the back of a horse to the polls.
Segregation was alive and well until 1964, 56 years ago.

10 years before I was born.

And we still have a really long way to go.

I was in northern rural Georgia visiting 9 years ago, needed cigarettes bad and we just had to drive by 3 perfectly good gas stations because they were for ‘blacks’.

What the actual fuck?

It has only gotten worse under 45.

Now it’s okay to be openly racist again.

There is no such thing as reverse racism and I will tell you why.

As a woman, I get the slightest taste of it.

Walking down the street and being afraid, not because of the color of my skin, but because of what is between my legs. I, and every other woman on the planet has to follow certain rules to avoid harassment, and we still get harassed. Amie Harwick did everything right, restraining order, reported her ex’s behavior to the police and he killed her anyways.

Just like I have seen the video footage of 100 black men and women ‘complying’ and dying anyways because cops in the states seem to hunt black people for sport, and it is an abomination.

Support is necessary.

But ACTUAL support. As in asking what we can do to help. listening to the answesr given, then doing that very thing.

Just like #notallmen is maddening, so is ‘I don’t see color’.

It’s a cop out.

Everyone exists in their own reality.

My reality is that I am a white woman who sees massive amounts of prejudice and injustice every day, and while I see it and acknowledge it, and in here I am trying to do something about it, I still get to get up from my laptop, put some pants on and walk out into the world and be white and enjoy the inherent safety that comes along with my skin color.

I can sympathize to a degree, but I will never fully understand it and I know this.

I don’t have to live it to realize it’s wrong.

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