Daily Archives

June 19, 2018


Sun Dresses and Summer Flings

June 19, 2018

Yet another conversation with Less Drunk Josh.

Me: Was that your woman on stage last night?

LDJ: Pffft, no. I don’t want a girlfriend, its sun dress season.

Brilliant point LDJ.

We had a civilian on stage and she got pretty close to being naked, someone tried to blame Josh, probably because he wasn’t there. Lot of that going on lately.

It is sun dress season and Gemini season and there has been a steady stream of drunken birthday parties rolling through the club. Including my own. That was a good day. All my pretty boys popped in to say hello, hug me and buy me a whiskey. Extra Drunk Josh stayed up an extra day partying just to come see me which was both sweet and awful. I worry about that one.

Wait, back up, it is supposed to be sun dress season but summer has come very late to this little island in the middle of the ocean. It is cold, wet and rainy today, the rest of the week looks better but…I have seen clouds rolling down the hill and up the street, like literal fallen clouds, and snow one minute sunshine the next. Driven from one side of town to the other and experienced a 10 degree temperature difference. I told you this place is fucky.

It is not like home. I grew up on Lake Huron.

I could look at the lake, sunrises and sunsets, read the clouds and tell you what time it was and what the weather was going to be like for the next few days. I used to love sitting on the beach and watching the storms come in. I am one who dances in the summer rain.

I grew up in a cottage town and deliberately stayed single in the summer months. Semi single anyways. Some cute boy from away, no strings… just bonfires, ice cream, skinny dipping and a boat load of sex on the beach or wherever we ended up, sometimes on a boat.

2 years ago, on this very day of our lord June the nineteenth, I was single as fuck and I posted to Facebook
“I want a summer fling or 3.”
Because I did.
The next day Panda and I wandered down to Burlington for our very first beach day. The sun was blazing and the water frigid, but it was bliss. I swam anyways.
We were just getting ready to pack up and leave and 2 beautiful boys put down a blanket and cooler 10 feet away and started chatting us up.
They invited us over for a barbecue and the one I wanted, wanted me back.
Panda wasn’t so lucky, hers was a true blue fuckboi who acted like those of his tribe.
Mine turned out to be consistent, which I am realizing is so very rare.
And for the next 7 weeks I had lots of sex, dinners and late night swims with a beautiful huge tattooed British ginger Scorpio MMA fighter.
He disappeared when the Lion’s Gate opened. But Damn that was fun while it lasted.

Hey universe…
Also, can you please turn up the heat a bit, all I have here are dresses, dresses and more dresses and I REALLY want to wear them.

I tend to get restless in the summer months if I am locked into a relationship. Loyal yet twitchy. Last summer I was in a monogamous relationship and it was actually great, until it wasn’t. He didn’t make it past the Lion’s Gate either.

I saw this the other day upon the Facebook.








I giggled a bit.

Situationships. Yep. Exactly this, yes please.

No confusion here, for me anyways. Freedom, free will and comfort. These are my favorites, real feelings and no labels or drama. Just be with me and be happy. Have as much sex as possible, occasional adventures and no stress. Then when we’re done, we’re done. No hard feelings.

So what if I am regressing to high school summer days back home?

Those were the good days, and some seriously sex-filled amazing nights.




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