Daily Archives

June 5, 2018


Cathouse Chronicles: The Key Master and the Greater Good

June 5, 2018

Convo of the day
Tina: uh oh, you’re smoking in your room. I’m gonna tell mom.
Me: (oh god) I am mom

What kind of fuckery is this?


I don’t like smoking in my room, I think it is disgusting, however…we have two late sleeping, non-smokers on the 2nd floor where the common area is and I don’t want to smoke them out or wake them up.

Greater good.

I’m also taking 2 days off this week even though I can’t really afford to because we had a massive number of girls working and due to the weather etc., not enough men to go around. So I’m after begging girls to take nights off and leading by example.

Greater good.

It’s shark week anyways and my body could use the break.

I was getting a little weepy last weekend and one of the 2nd floor girls kept trying to cheer me up by fussing over my hair, petting me and pep-talking me. She said something really sweet. “I watch you, and I watch how these local boys are with you, they look at you with reverence and respect even though you are sitting in front of them in your underwear, it’s pretty amazing.”

The first night I met her I had to break up a fight between her and one of said local boys, and to be perfectly honest, I was really proud of how I handled it. He did listen to me, nothing got broke and by the next week they were chatting nicely at the bar.

She went on to also say that I have been handling the house and girl situation diplomatically.

I needed to hear that.

I didn’t ask for any of this, but shit needs doing and I know how to do it. 2 full days of 4 hours of work before work. Phone calls, schedules and putting out fires before they got extra bad.

I am mom.
I am the skeet whisperer.
And, I am the key master.

Stompy Magoo was back less than a week when Sean left and I got put in charge. She didn’t stay long. Her hatred is for me is real and that is okay. Can’t win them all. I was hella uncomfortable having the keys to her room anyways, see a month ago wherein she ripped her own bible and blamed me and we just about had the Salem witch trials in the changeroom. Except no one (but her) cared about me being a witch.

What’s not okay is the continuing absence of Sean. I didn’t realize how important he was until I had to be the one opening doors at 9am, changing lightbulbs, washing sheets, running the garbage out, cheering Mark up and keeping the peace. Plus he is my friend and I miss him. We all do.

I’m not getting anything for this but 2 drinks a night, going in late with no fees, woken up way too early, and a really big phone bill.

Greater good.

I was never on student council in high school, I’m painfully shy and conflict makes my stomach hurt. My way around that is to try and stop things before they escalate. So far only one fight and it wasn’t in the bar or house so…win? 22/24 girls are agreeing with me.

Also, the nights I’m at the bar organizing things till 11pm are the nights I haven’t been drinking as much.

And the greater good.

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