Daily Archives

April 30, 2018


More than This? Nope.

April 30, 2018

I didn’t quite end up saying what I actually wanted to say yesterday.

I supposed part of me is still concerned with being judged for my life choices.

But I am a single mom stripper cougar that drinks and fucks and speaks openly about all these things.
I can’t be that worried really.

Once upon a time, if my girls back home were complaining about not getting laid I would offer up one of my dick appointments. The girls always refused, but the offer was there.

I likened it to having a garage full of cars, I cannot possibly drive them all at once and you need a ride…go ahead.

I have almost exclusively dated younglings for the last 5 years. The idea of ‘keeping’ them is ludicrous.

And I got a gold star for sharing in kindergarten. Still that way, if I have something you need, take it.

And I continuously win the Cougar Olympics, I only bring home gold.

There was/is a bit of ego attached in there, as in, look at this beautiful boy I found and look what that dick do. I am allowed to brag.

There were some exceptions. Giant was often brought over to do man jobs around the house like hanging lights and mounting TV’s, he was handy like that. And I never did mind him wandering off to look for wifey material. Mostly kept my distance. He has a future without me in it. But I couldn’t share him with my girls.

Wolfling, Hot Neighbor, Drogo, even Cruz who I actually dated…all fair game.

Since it never came to fruition I don’t know how they would have responded exactly.

But again, the offer was there.

I just got an angry message from another girl who is mad at me, must be a day that ends in Y, part of it stated “You better watch your man.”

I don’t have to do that. I know where he is and what he’s doing.

The Nope fucks other women. I know because he told me. I don’t mind.

This is why I yammered on about accepting people for what they actually are. I know what he actually is, what he does, and especially what that cock do. Damn.

It would be a sin to take that out of the world and try to keep it to myself.

I met one of them…

Nope: she’s in love with me
Me: very aware of that…did you fuck her?
Nope: ya
Me: well that’s why brat


You can’t give girls orgasms like that and expect them not to fall in love.

You can give women orgasms like that and expect them not to fall in love.

And therein lies the difference.

I stayed as far clear of him as I could when he had a girlfriend. Mind you he kept popping by work and looking at me with slightly lusty eyes.

It’s different now.

Nope: how do I look at you?
Me: like you want to tear me apart…like you are starving and I am really good food.

 The best, he says.

Calls me Love.

I know he likes me, I can see it in the way he moves, the things he says.
He knows I like him because I get drunk and tell him repeatedly.

I don’t need any more than this.






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