The van attack in Toronto the other day really hit home. Toronto was actual home for quite some time, my son still lives there and a large population of my tribe.
I spent a substantial portion of the day with phone in hand waiting for all my friends and kidlet to check in alternately praying the driver’s last name was MacDonald or that somehow it was an accident, like he had a stroke or the van was defective in some way.
Neither one of my wishes came true, my friends all checked in, then it got worse.
It has come to my attention that the driver was diagnosed Autism, Aspergers Syndrome as a child. He was incapable of connecting with ANYONE, not just women. I think the whole “incel” bit was only his twisted attempt to veil his condition and loneliness.
That being said and accounted for, this incident and travesty has shed a light on the fact that there exists a male counterculture cult whose main point is hating and attacking women because they can’t get laid.
Involuntarily Celibate. Incel.
Am I reading this right?
This is a thing?
Have you tried not being a spiteful asshole with a not so hidden agenda of hate towards all women?
We can kinda tell when you are a creep. Been practicing since we were little girls. Keys in fists, traveling in packs for safety. You are what we are running from.
Misogyny is not attractive anymore, maybe you missed the memo.
We have all had dry spells. I didn’t want to hurt men because of it.
This whole thing is beyond disturbing and terrifying.
Like I didn’t have enough reason to be scared of men already. Been beaten, raped, stalked, held hostage, emotionally abused till I let his mistress move into my house… I could go on.
Those men that did those to me didn’t have a support group for their awful behavior on the internet.
I did, and should have access to such things. I also have access to a group of strong wonderful men who are also shaking their heads and apologizing profusely for these … what do I even call them? Low males?
Like what the actual fuck.
These guys feel justified in this. Plotting random killings and mass rape. Patting each other on the back for stalking and hurting women.
I feel like I woke up on another planet and it is ugly here.
Yet another bizarre angle being taken here is “where the sex workers at?”
This guy killed 10 people because he couldn’t get laid. Ergo, this is on us somehow?
Um, us sex workers are over here being marginalized, having our main source of income fucked with as Backpages gets shut down, getting shit on, our profession made illegal, getting assaulted and spit on by society… I could go on.
Now you want us to swoop in and save the day?
A few weeks ago I had a customer pay me $150 to hold him while he cried. Like deep soul sobs.
He never said why exactly, but I think some woman hurt him.
I also had a dude wander in with all sorts of fucking attitude, entitlement and ideas about what strippers do. It’s not a competition. Chill Winston. I am sick of people who form some opinion based solely on one isolated incident and it becomes ‘the way things are’.
That mentality is dangerous.
Men do shitty shit, don’t blame all men. Women do shitty shit, don’t blame all women.
I have refused a dance after a guy asked me where the cathouse was, where the rub and tug was and complained at great length about not being able to touch titties in Calgary. He asked for a dance and I said ‘based on our conversation that’s gonna be a no from me’.
I have right of refusal always. I knew it was gonna be a bad time. For both of us.
I retaliate at work because I can. On the street I can’t. I have to smile when told to do so, say thank you for comments about my appearance or risk backlash. At least my work is a safe space.
I am lucky that way.
I am not a hooker for the record, some of my best friends are and I commend them for what they do.
I am in the slightly less degraded/socially acceptable-ish profession known as stripping.
Strip clubs still get raided, girls can’t work, get access to their belongings etc.
I have been turned away from jobs and housing if I dare be honest about what I do.
And now you want us to babysit and pity fuck these angry assholes?
I have right of refusal.
How about this instead.
We realize as a collective whole that women own their bodies and decisions on what to do with the bodies we are given.
We stop slut shaming immediately.
Legalize prostitution, make it safe and socially acceptable.
We take a good hard look at the fact that this country was founded by people too puritanical for England and the rest of Europe, they fucked through holes in sheets and stoned witches for fuck sakes.
We debunk the ludicrous idea that Eve was to blame for original sin. Throw out the whole fucking bible actually. Ever notice rape is not a sin and women are property? Ya, fuck that.
We take the stigma off sex and sex workers and truly embrace the fact that sex is natural and fun.
We actually punish rapists for the atrocities they commit, put Brock Turner’s head on a pig pole in town square.
Stop victim blaming.
Figure out how to teach proper sex education to cover all kinds of sex and consent and the pleasure principal.
Stop teaching boys that girls are inferior objects.
Stop toxic masculinity all together.
Just move over and let girls run the world for a while.