Daily Archives

April 26, 2018


Beast Mode

April 26, 2018

I am a sex-eater/succubus, this is not a secret.

Two things power me up, being in the water and ecstatic energy exchanging sex.

The water is too cold right now. And there was a void of the other.

This post is rated R. Don’t keep reading if you are easily offended by things like orgasms and descriptions of rough sex.

It’s also not a secret that I am a submissive. I gotta be on guard all day every day. Give me a strong, dominant man that I feel safe around so I can just let go and enjoy myself.

Any fucking time now.

Wish granted.

You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need. (Rolling Stones)

Oh fuck I needed that. I didn’t even know how bad I needed that until it was happening.

For the record, I always get what I want, and what I need. I have an agreement with the cosmos. Not always instant gratification, but on a long enough timeline, I am sated.

I was vaguebooking. That thing people do wherein they post vague statuses upon the Facebook. I wasn’t doing it for attention. Just leaving future me notes. And he knew what I was on about, so did a few others.
“If it’s all the same I would rather leave it up so I can giggle about it when it comes up in my Facebook memories next year.”

Springtime can be frustrating and everyone gets a nickname.

Finally got to come clean yesterday. Still not naming names, but everybody knows there is a boy I call the Nope.

Actually had a woman I adore inbox me the other day and ask me directly “who is the Nope and also is it bad I follow you like this?”

The answer is coming, and no I don’t mind at all.

I have decided to live my life like an open book. I asked for his permission and it was granted. I think he likes it. Bragging rights.

He’s earned them.

I have very few regrets in life.
I’m very aware that I could not be the person I am without all of my past mistakes and victories.
That being said…I wish I hadn’t given away the nickname ‘sex monster’ so frivolously.






This isn’t love or anything like it.

Lust and like, yes. Love nope. I know the rules, I wrote them.

Rough? Oh fuck, yes. Please.

For the first time in a really long time, I’m writing with a bag of frozen broccoli between my legs. And in this moment, I am happy.

My PIC and her bestie are currently prowling Venice Beach California. One of my favorite places on earth. I am simultaneously happy and jealous as fuck.

I am allowed to feel any kinda way about anything I choose. More than one way if it suits me and it does.

Lucifer Luu came stumbling up the stairs of the cathouse a week ago today walking funny and smiling sunshine.

There is something in the water here and these island boys are blessed in the cock department apparently. Skinny tattooed white boys with horse cocks. She got hers, finally after 18 months of nothing.

She has been dubbed a sex demon by our customer, and he is not wrong.

Poor girl was ravenous. I know the feeling.

She welcomed me back to the club of “can’t walk right”.

Oh honey I am home.

Oh, by the way, here is where it gets R-rated. Like a paragraph back really.

It was my turn last night. To stumble and struggle up the stairs, gripping the handrail. I held it together all day and chewed some Aleve mid afternoon. Been trapped in tight jeans all day (what am I? new?) and my pussy was screaming arias, in a different way than for the last few weeks. She just wanted the pants off now and an ice pack. Finally full, swollen, sated, happy sighing and trilling a bit.

The weather is double digits this week, sun dresses it is. I pity the fool who tries to touch me at work though. That’s a hard nope.

This was what we call a perfect storm. Been flirting for two months. My pussy was starving and I had just the perfect amount of drinks before he took me home. Zero inhibitions and 60 days build up.

At one point, rather early on, I realized I was in the middle of I’m gonna need an ice pack after this beast mode sex. But I was kinda tipsy and so fucking hungry for it, I leaned into it. I am a bit of a masochist, this is also not a secret.

8 years ago I had a boy who could make me cum so hard and prolific it would hit me in the face.

Yes, you read that right, he made me cum on my own face.

It’s happening again.

The Nope said he could make me squirt, and he wasn’t lying. We slept on a towel, had to.

There is usually a breaking in/figuring out process that occurs when you start sleeping with someone new. We seem to have skipped over that part.

“Don’t touch my toes.”

There is something beyond satisfying about finding a fuck monster with skills.

I am satisfied.



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