Daily Archives

April 25, 2018


Ladies and Gentlemen, the Nope

April 25, 2018

Here come the 3 o’clock pussy tantrum, right on time.

Doesn’t help I am getting countdown messages from the Nope.

I am already tingly in my princess parts, if tingly is a synonym for tsunami.

You could drown a toddler in my panties right now (Archer)

He’s just making it worse/better.

Him: How was your night?

Me: Got drunk.
Fell down and reinjured my butt.
Lost 70 bucks.

Him: Aw babe, I will kiss it better.

8 more hours…

I need all of me kissed better.

I actually let him rescue me the other night, out of my room in the cathouse and outta my head for a bit.

I fought him on it for a few hours. Finally caved around midnight. Warned him I was beyond sexually frustrated and I couldn’t be trusted. He had to adult. He adulted. Except we drove around this island and ended up making out like teenagers in parking lots. I needed that.

Went for a long drive, I spilled everything without crying, he told me his stories. He put on Tragically Hip and shushed. I touched the ocean. He picked me up and hugged me while my feet dangled. It was lovely and necessary.

and a long time comin’. (Tragically Hip)

My girl Liza is, for lack of a better word, psychic. She and I are tangled somehow. When one of us is tied up and twisted or unravelling the other one feels it. It’s pretty amazing actually.

We had this conversation the other day when Lucifer Luu came bouncing into the house announcing she got dicked down for many many many hours.










We must clap for the victories of our sisters.

Even if it’s a slow clap filled with envy. I am still happy for her, truly.

I asked her for a hug, hoping some of her good sex juju would get on me.

God it’s been a long few months.

I am a sex eater and I am starving.










I do not want to wait any more moons.

It’s been 84 years…


I actually almost put 2 and two together before I realized that there is, indeed, a Pink Moon in Scorpio. That explains a lot. I have already expressed fear that my root chakra is powering up with said moon, I am going to explode, literally.

Something has got to be done about this. So be it.

I have so much pent up energy all sitting in my clit and I cannot shut her up about it.

Jerked off 3 times yesterday and it didn’t even take the edge off.

She’s howling at the moon.

Lust has no mercy and I am tired of waiting.

Today is the rapture and the Nope is coming to get me. I am thinking it isn’t a coincidence.

I am like Oprah Winfrey, except I don’t give out Tupperware and cars. I give out nicknames. You get a nickname and YOU get a nickname, everybody gets a nickname.

And once upon a time, at my tiny little bar by the water oh my Liza messaged me out of nowhere and said “I don’t know who you are touching right now, but no, just Nope.”

I was leaning back on a tall drink of water boy, hands the size of dinner plates, devil grin, sparkly eyes and just warm strong masculine and really good vibes.

Still a terrible idea, her warning was warranted but…

We give each other advice all the time, Liza and I. neither of us really follows it, but we try.

I’m not following this advice either.

Truth be told he was an actual Nope, had a girlfriend, way too young.
The first thing stops me in my tracks, the second, not so much. But I do let them come to me, I don’t ask. I wait.

It’s been 2 months since I met him and asked about him.

I pushed it out of my mind.


His eyes were getting lustier and lustier, and the messages more frequent, blatant and persistent








J. Warren Welch was right.

Add to that I am starving and he is suddenly and magically single now.

And I needed rescuing.










Liza and I compromised “Just warn me before you touch the Nope so I can brace myself.”

You have been warned.




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