Someone is vacuuming the crackhouse carpet.
The apocalypse is nigh.
Double digits by next week.
The apocalypse is really really nigh
12: 46pm
Oh hey
Just realized I’ve been sober 2 weeks with one lil slip up.
The apocalypse is now super nigh and unavoidable.
Thank fuck.
I loves me a good apocalypse.
The Greek definition which means the revealing of the truth.
Tearing of veils and cracking of the ground so new things can emerge and be seen.
Living the same day over and over for the last 60 is no way to have a life.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results.
Albert Einstein
Bring the change.
According to some cult or other, the world is actually supposed to end on April 23rd.
I have totally lost track but this is probably my 9th rapture. If I live through this I get a free rapture.
‘I don’t pay attention to the world ending. It has ended for me many times and began again in the morning.’ Nayyirah Waheed
It does. Often.
I have lived through everything thus far. Kinda proud of myself actually.
Oh my Liza said I wasn’t allowed to get hardened by these things. I won’t.
“When I saw you stop the world from ending, I just figured it was a big week for you. Now I find myself needing to know the plural of apocalypse.” Buffy the Vampire Slayer
I survived my mother’s house, high school, rape and my marriage. This is a walk in the park. With cake.
Her; I don’t want them to hurt you ever enough so that you become like me.
Me; I invite this, I run into the flames mama
Her; I know. And for each burn you still stay soft and warm and inviting. Mine just turned to scars. Just don’t let anyone of them turn you into anything like me?
She is more me than she realizes. And I would be lucky to be a tough as she is.
As far as I can tell, we’re on the road to brighter hell, as far as any eye can see, you’re looking pretty fine to me. The Watchmen
So many people making decisions out of fear and not love.
And so many lies.
Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth (Young’un the First, Drag the Lake)
Yep. That’s my young’un. He has all the anger, I don’t need it. And he is way better at it than I.
I asked him if it was okay to put two and two together for the nice folks on here.
500 posts and I have only used nicknames, never faces.
Permission granted.
Fucking beautiful isn’t he.
And the growling.
I am a lucky girl to know such beasts.
Snake charmer, monster tamer, devil lover. Yep.
When the snake sits on the right, the truth is always the anti-venom.*
So many songs, quotes and old lessons revisited.
One day a woman was out gathering firewood on a cold winter day. She found a snake, on its deathbed. The snake implored her “please pick me up and keep me warm, if you do not I shall surely die.”
The woman hesitated, obviously, this was a snake.
But in the end her compassion won out (or he had really pretty eyes and a pirate’s smile** or some other such sorcery) and she tucked the snake in her bosom and continued to gather firewood.
Once the snake was warm, he bit her tit.
She exclaimed “I did you a kindness, why did you bite me?”
The snake simply said “I did what snakes do, you knew what I was when you picked me up.”
In my version of the story the woman had been bit before but had a fondness/weakness for snakes and had built up and immunity to snake bites. And the snake never lied about what he was or his intentions so he is forgivable too.
I am the woman with a penchant for getting bit. I invite this, I know.
And I forgive everything.
I am still merciful.
When the snake sits on the left the truth is always the anti-venom.*
I am also the anti-venom.
Makes me valuable and rare on an island full of snakes.
So shed your skin and let’s get started
Hunters and Collectors
Elton John**