Daily Archives

April 19, 2018


The Other Sarah

April 19, 2018

She keeps coming back like a pimple not properly popped. Time for pro active.

“Sarah L___ messaged me on the blog yesterday”.

My boss asked if I could block her.

I laughed, “Why would I? She just showed half a million of my followers what an asshole she is…in triplicate.”

You see dear readers, when I failed to respond to the first 2 attempts left by anonymous and badblood respectively, she left a third comment, on the wrong post, with her actual email.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have us a sloppy stalker.

But no bad blood.

So you’re trying to rub my nose in the idea that he wandered drunk into your bar (I knew where he was to before you messaged by the way) which is geographically closer than mine and thereby easier, and fucked you, which is apparently also very easy to do.

Any port in a storm love, and your harbour is dirty, yet available. Tyler said you weren’t worth it.

That’s the general consensus. Not worth it.

She tried, and failed, to bang a friend of mine over the last couple weeks too.

I apologize my loves.

There will be no more posts about the boy and the old ones will be removed.

I have never deleted a post before, but it must be done. For him.

Except the last one, about Persephone. She felt the need to comment. You realize half a million people saw that right?

I am not much for numbers, didn’t really think about it until she reminded me half a million people have been following along with my life for like 5 years now. They’re kinda on my side. Sis, you left your email address, this is gonna be a bad time for you.

I am used to this, but asking someone else to let their life be open like that is unfair.

I think it’s a bad time for him too and I’m sorry.

I promised to protect him forever.

Least I can do is protect his privacy. In retrospect, I shoulda kept my mouth shut.

I am still learning.

Nothing that can’t be undone.

So be it.

I have other things I can write about. Should be working on the next book anyways.

I’ve played tug-o-war for a few men in my day.

Never got me anything but tired arms from hanging onto something that wasn’t mine.

So, I am letting go.

I have no quarrel with her. I understand how she feels and a part of me feels bad.

I feel worse for him, so I am removing myself from the situation. That is what love is. Wanting the best for someone else to the point that it doesn’t matter if they are with you or not.

You can take almost anything by force or manipulation, except someone’s heart.

Took me a long time to figure that out.

I did a lot of damage in the time called before.

I have also, in my day, stayed in places that were bad for me just because they were comfortable and familiar . The world seemed too big and scary compared to the tiny cell I was used to.

Like how criminals reoffend if they have spent too long in jail because they can’t handle the freedom.

I get it, I do. Any port in a storm.

I’ll just be over here, an island unto myself.

Fuck, truth be told I lapsed a few times. Went running back to the cemetery because the ghosts called my name.

I understand. It’s what I do.

I knew where he was to last night before she saw fit to message me about it.

This is a really tiny island.

I was just relieved he wasn’t in jail or dead.

That’s enough.

Her insistence on announcing she had regained the high ground just serves to show me she is not as secure in her position as she wants me to believe. If she was happy she’d be off and away and enjoying being happy. Alphas don’t run around screaming at everyone they are alphas and picking fights. That’s beta behavior.

No war was ever won by yelling “I’m winning.”

This isn’t war.

You slept with him. Big deal.

Most people find it easier to flip a light switch than get hit by lightning. I understand.

I didn’t come here to play games. Just wanted happiness and peace.
And I just remembered, I carry that around on my own. I appreciate the reminder.

I compete with no one. Especially not her.

Budget Bargain Basement Sarah
Unreasonable hand drawn facsimile Sarah
Diet Sarah with all of the chemicals, none of the nutrients and a really bad aftertaste
Cardboard cut-out 2 dimensional Sarah
Why am I even bothering to write this Sarah

Because I can.

Because I think you want me to. Wish granted. I’m benevolent.

And after you get these 15 minutes of fame you have been clamoring for, I will forget you exist.

White flag is up. Do as you will. I don’t care.

I have been through worse.

I learned years ago when picking an adversary, make sure she’s worthy.

My girl had a boyfriend named Steve, he left her for a girl named Amy Raymond. We somehow decided we could never say her name unless it was both names spit out like tacks and a gypsy curse from our mouths. She was a thorn in my girl’s side.

I met Amy Raymond one night, months after the fact. Went straight home to my girl, shook her awake and said “Dummy, she isn’t worthy of your hate or another minute of your time.” She really was a nothing girl, not a nemesis.

I have had men run from me and hide behind cardboard cut outs of girls. They get brave later.

Or bored. Cardboard is…boring.

This one isn’t much of anything either.

Nemesis according to Snatch
Brick Top: Do you know what “nemesis” means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an ‘orrible cunt… me.

This one is a horrible cunt. But that isn’t what it really means.




a long-standing rival; an archenemy.

synonyms: archrival, adversary, foe, opponent, arch enemy

“they were beaten in the final by their nemesis”


I don’t care for the player nor the game. So I am not playing.

Retribution comes on its own.

Things play out the way they are supposed to. This is divine law.

She quoted me back to me, which only proves how unoriginal she really is.

It’s not my job to fight. I tend to the wounded, and its okay if I quote myself.

I don’t even think I could stoop low enough to try. She cheats and steals and lies and does a fuck ton of blow. Fucks his friends, tried to fuck mine, recently even. This whole thing reads like a bad soap opera with a villain that you almost kinda feel sorry for, but you can’t.

I don’t watch tv. Not my cup of tea. The reality of my life is better than any fiction.

I was brave enough to come here and that is enough.

I remember every word he said.

I am logical enough to admit, maybe I was wrong. Maybe this was a catalyst for something else.

Who knows, we’re just getting to the good part.

I am not worried.

Good luck and god speed little mule.



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